When children get upset during the haircut, I have noticed that a lot of times parents feel guilty about it. Put your anxieties to rest. It's not necessarily your fault. In fact I would say 99.9999% of the time it's not the parents fault. Children like adults have different emotional make-ups. Indeed, the child who cries at the barbers or hairdressers, maybe the same child who does well on their first day of school.

  Sometimes its just the wrong time of day. Other times it might be that they had 1 bad experience with an insensitive hairdresser or barber. And still other times it may be that he or she has so much hair that the slightest touch may seem to them like it's being pulled on. I will say, however, the only time it may be the parents fault is when before the haircut one or both of the parents work the child up into a nervous frenzy by making the haircut sound like a chore or seeming like they're forcing it on him/her.

  Obviously this is why you talk them up about the experience before it happens. Another thing to remember is that the 1st or 1st couple of haircuts are critical in that you want the person doing it to know what they're doing. Otherwise, the negative effects of this can last a little while. Take care in finding a haircutter who likes working with kids. If they do wind up getting upset during each haircut, don't worry yourself about it. They get over it with time, and consistency.  

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